
ソニー新型ミラーレス「α7s II」は非圧縮14Bit RAW対応。順次「α7R II」にも対応



SONYデジタル一眼コミュニティポータルサイト「α Universe」に、非圧縮14Bit RAWの追加の記事が載っています。

SONYのUSAは、デジタル一眼コミュニティポータルサイト「α Universe」を立ち上げ

Sony Announces Addition of Uncompressed 14-bit RAW Still Image Capture for New Cameras!

Sony Electronics, a worldwide leader in digital imaging and the world’s largest image sensor manufacturer, has today announced user selectable Compressed and Uncompressed 14-Bit RAW image capture will be featured in the new α7S II once it arrives in stores this October.

Additionally, they have announced plans to add user selectable compressed or uncompressed 14-Bit RAW still image capture via firmware update to additional cameras beginning with the recently introduced α7R II full-frame mirrorless model.

“The voice of our α community remains the most important guiding force of our product development plans,” said Neal Manowitz, Deputy Vice President for Digital Imaging at Sony Electronics. “The addition of Uncompressed 14-Bit RAW processing is a direct result of customer feedback. Widely requested by photo and video enthusiasts, we believe the choice of RAW processing types will further elevate the performance of these extraordinary cameras.”

The α7S II and α7R II are compatible with Sony’s growing lineup of α -mount lenses, which now totals 64 different models including 13 native ‘FE’ full frame lenses. In 2016, Sony aims to build the native FE lens lineup to over 20 different models, bringing the overall α -mount assortment to over 70 different lenses.

Source: Sony



ソニー「α7SII」を発表!5軸手ブレ補正 4K動画記録 12.2メガピクセル

また、発売されている「α7R II」もファームウェアアップデートでこの機能が追加されるとのこと。


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